users feedback

Pure steel of pure quality

Considering that the knowledge of your opinions and satisfaction with the products of the factory, will help us achieve our goals, which is
to provide a high-quality, standard and satisfactory product. Please refer to the records and answer the following questions for complete
the types of Angles, Channel and Beams to be sent within the specified time interval and send them to the Fax number 0412-4328767
or via WhatsApp number 0901 801 3876. Thank you in advance for your cooperation

1-Does the quality of the products meet the standard and satisfy you?

2-How satisfied is the product packing?

3-How do you evaluate the mode of transportation?

4-How do you evaluate the delivery method and delivery time?

5-How do you evaluate, how the company fulfills it's obligations?

6-How do you evaluate the desired product in comparison with similar (domestic) products of other manufacturers (in terms of price, quality and ….

7-How do you evaluate the way of receiving the order and the accuracy and speed of the company's actions in performing the assigned tasks?

8-How do you evaluate the company's employees dealing with customers (in face-to-face, telephone, correspondence, etc.)

9-How do you evaluate the information and advertising of the company?

10-0. The company challenges you in terms of product safety and health, as well as in terms of environment

Company name
Sender name
job title

If you have a specific opinion about the desired product that is not mentioned in the above questions, please state it